[[!comment format=mdwn username="git-annex@6f13b739194f758abc0b86556b7ce966c1bf3c00" nickname="git-annex" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/198790d74209efe4896fd4cfc37ec2a6" subject="git-remote-gcrypt recommends rsync:// or sftp:// transports" date="2017-04-05T16:16:25Z" content=""" spwhitton says on : > \"Using an arbitrary requires uploading the entire repository history with > each push. If your repository history is large or you are pushing over a slow link, consider using > either the rsync:// or sftp:// transports, which perform incremental pushes\" So it's a known performance. Would be great if rsync:// could be used when combining git-annex with git-remote-gcrypt? """]]