### What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Create a fresh annex repo. Create a dummy test file and add it to the annex. 2. `git init --bare` in an empty directory on a remote machine. 3. `git initremote testremote type=gcrypt encryption=hybrid gitrepo=ssh://machine/the/remote/machine/dir keyid=my_key_id` 4. `git annex sync testremote --content` 5. Unplug network/switch off WiFi. 6. `git annex sync testremote --content`, which fails due to the broken network. 7. Reconnect network, check that can ssh to remote host. 8. `git annex sync testremote --content` gcrypt issues warning `gcrypt: WARNING: Remote ID has changed!` ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? git-annex 5.20141125 on Debian Wheezy 32-bit. ### Please provide any additional information below. This is essentially a gcrypt bug, so I don't know if you want to fix it, and I know that the gcrypt author is inactive. My diagnosis is that when running `git annex sync testremote --content` when the network is disconnected, git can't SSH to the remote and gcrypt makes the mistake of regenerating the remote ID and setting up a new remote. So when the network comes back online, the local record of the remote's gcrypt ID is just wrong. gcrypt ought not to "set up a new repository" when there is a network failure. gcrypt: Development version -- Repository format MAY CHANGE gcrypt: Repository not found: ssh://url-here gcrypt: Setting up new repository gcrypt: Remote ID is :id:agVyn7wBG/JGwN9LW5Qn Counting objects: 22, done. Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done. Total 22 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0) gcrypt: Encrypting to: -r my_key_id_here gcrypt: Requesting manifest signature ssh: Could not resolve hostname my_remote_host_here: No such file or directory fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. error: failed to push some refs to 'gcrypt::ssh://url-here Pushing to testremote failed. (non-fast-forward problems can be solved by setting receive.denyNonFastforwards to false in the remote's git config) failed