[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-07-12T17:29:55Z" content=""" Bug sumitter, it would be good if you could find a way to reproduce the location log getting out of sync with reality. While `git annex fsck` is there to fix such a diverenge, it should not happen in the first place in normal operation. Reproduced by using `setpresentkey` to make the log not think the file content is locally available. The file was available, and had the right content, but fsck complains as shown. Ok, found the bug, it was treating the file as an unlocked file, but that meant it looked for the object file. That's the wrong thing to do in direct mode. This reversion was introduced in [[!commit e7183d83d367bb52f502266b11b5b6dff683279e]], so versions before 5.20151208 were ok. Fixing.. """]]