[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnx8kHW66N3BqmkVpgtXDlYMvr8TJ5VvfY" nickname="Yaroslav" subject="you read my mind correctly" date="2015-03-27T19:43:01Z" content=""" Indeed I was just trying to get to the key's content (i.e. original archive from which to extract the load). Indeed, new command would be lovely to have I started to wonder what would be faster though -- calling another git annex instance with that command or asking through the PIPE/interface? P.S. I am scared to try any real tarball usecase and see how well it scales or not with all the ping-pong between external remote and annex ;) I guess I will discover soon """]]