[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnXybLxkPMYpP3yw4b_I6IdC3cKTD-xEdU" nickname="Matt" subject="comment 10" date="2013-06-11T19:27:04Z" content=""" First off, I really like git-annex :-) Secondly, if I make the change as suggested, what are the consequences? When you add files to the annex back-end it may still be open and being written to? But then the next hash-function will reveal the differences of an incomplete upload and fix things.... But it may be too late as it's sent to other repositories...hmmmmm...I guess I want to know if I do this will my data be safe? I suspect not. Perhaps the race condition could be mitigated against (not solved) by simply introducing a slight delay? If only 5 secs it will catch many of these cases. And longer would prevent git committing files that I save, realize I've slightly got wrong, tweak and save again. """]]