[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkGCmVc5qIJaQQgG82Hc5zzBdAVdhe2JEM" nickname="Bruno" subject="comment 2" date="2013-10-16T22:47:46Z" content=""" There's no other repo yet. I have the same problem when I try to sync between two repos but I simplified the instructions to reproduce the bug easily. Here's the instructions on Debian : [[!format sh \"\"\" bruno@debian:~$ mkdir annex bruno@debian:~$ cd annex bruno@debian:~/annex$ git init Initialized empty Dépôt git dans /home/bruno/annex/.git/ bruno@debian:~/annex$ git annex init init ok (Recording state in git...) bruno@debian:~/annex$ echo test > test bruno@debian:~/annex$ git annex add . add test (checksum...) ok (Recording state in git...) bruno@debian:~/annex$ git commit -a -m added [master (root-commit) 631049d] added 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 120000 test bruno@debian:~/annex$ git annex sync commit ok bruno@debian:~/annex$\"\"\"]] It seems --git-dir wants 'c:/...' instead of 'c:\\...'. [[!format sh \"\"\" C:\Users\Bruno\annex>git --git-dir=C:\\Users\\Bruno\\annex\\.git --work-tree=C:\\Users\\Bruno\\annex add -f test fatal: unable to access '../../../../C:\\Users\\Bruno\\annex\\.git/config': Invalid argument C:\Users\Bruno\annex>git --git-dir=C:/Users/Bruno/annex/.git --work-tree=C:\\Users\\Bruno\\annex add -f test C:\Users\Bruno\annex>\"\"\"]] It's weird that I don't have any problem with the following command: [[!format sh \"\"\"C:\Users\Bruno\annex>git --git-dir=C:\\Users\\Bruno\\annex\\.git --work-tree=C:\\Users\\Bruno\\annex config -l core.symlinks=false core.autocrlf=true [...]\"\"\"]] Maybe there's a problem with `git version 1.8.4.msysgit.0`. """]]