[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2013-07-26T21:08:02Z" content=""" Tried to reproduce this, following your instructions. It did not seem to work:
joey@gnu:~/tmp/mydir2>git annex get disk2
get disk2 
  Unable to access these remotes: origin

  Try making some of these repositories available:
  	21606444-98f9-4c40-aa60-3ebfba936758 -- origin (joey@gnu:~/tmp/mydir)
git-annex: get: 1 failed
- exit 1
joey@gnu:~/tmp/mydir2>git annex whereis disk2
whereis disk2 (1 copy) 
  	21606444-98f9-4c40-aa60-3ebfba936758 -- origin (joey@gnu:~/tmp/mydir)
So, not a silent failure. It is a little unclear about why it can't get the file (in this case because I moved .git/annex/objects out of the way), but it's pretty clear it can't. AFAIK, the only way `git annex get` can silently not do anything is if you already have the file locally. Perhaps you got confused? OTOH, if you can provide a better way to reproduce this, I'm curious to see it. """]]