[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmRFKwny4rArBaz-36xTcsJYqKIgdDaw5Q" nickname="Andrew" subject="comment 1" date="2013-01-11T00:01:08Z" content=""" Ok, I just reread [[design/encryption]] and perhaps this isn't a bug after all. Though, the annoyance I experience that made me dig into this a bit perhaps is a bug. In my example output above, if I 'git annex copy dir_full_of_files --to=glacier', I will get the GPG agent's passphrase prompt for each file, even if I have passphrase caching turned on and (on my mac) even if I have the passphrase saved in the keychain. Additionally, GPG will successfully encrypt the file if I enter anything at all into the passphrase prompt as long as I enter something. This leads me to believe that it either doesn't actually need to decrypt my GPG private key or it's using what I enter as the symmetric encryption key. Ideas? """]]