[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-07-19T15:38:21Z" content=""" The v6 changes added a sqlite database. Some code will try to query or write that database even in v5 mode, although it's meant to give up if the database is not available. So, the easy fix, at least for the drop problem, is to avoid using the keys database at all in v5 mode. I've made this change and it will probably fix the case you reported. But, that won't help with v6 repos which need to use that sqlite database. And, incremental fsck uses its own sqlite database too. And, [[design/caching_database]] plans are to use sqlite databases more broadly in the future. I'm sure that it's not a good idea for git-annex to catch "disk IO error" exceptions from the database layer. So, it seems that most any other fix than avoiding using the database would need to be made in sqlite or in lustre, which it seems don't get along. At a guess, sqlite is trying to use some POSIX filesystem functionality, likely related to locking, that lustre does not support. Hmm, what could be done to hack in support for lustre is to move the sqlite databases to a different filesystem. But, accessing the same repo from different hosts which have different sqlite databases would lead to inconsistent and buggy behavior. And repo setup would need to decide where to put the sqlite databases and manually configure that location. So this would be very much a caveat empror configuration. """]]