[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2013-10-26T19:06:38Z" content=""" There was a bug that caused it not to write the chunkcount file. I have fixed it, and put in a workaround so fsck, etc, will see that the file is stored on the remote despite there being no chunkcount file present. I was initially puzzled by your output showing the chunkcount file being present. However, the bug also caused it to write a chunkcount file when chunking was disabled (ie, the logic for when to write the file was inverted). So, I think that the ls you show is after you set up the remote without specifying chunk size, and copied a file to it. Please test with the next autobuild of git-annex (should be one within an hour my my posting this comment) and verify it can now see the files you stored on the remote with chunking. """]]