[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-11-13T17:36:29Z" content=""" git-annex tries to prevent this kind of thing by removing the write bit from the the object storage directories. But I suppose that doesn't prevent those directories from being renamed themselves (or from it turning on the write bit to rename files inside them, if it goes so far). In the end, git-annex just can't help you if you feed your drive into a indiscriminate shredder. Except helping you have a copy of the data in a repository elsewhere. So I don't see how this is a bug in git-annex. But surely it's a massive bug in detox if it does anything inside .git or any VCS directory? Anyway, the result after running this thing is similar to fsck having put all your annexed objects in lost+found with useless names. I'd recover the same way, by moving the annexed objects from .git/annex/objects into the repository, and running git-annex add on them, so it will pick the same hashes as before and will move the objects back into place. See [[tips/recover_data_from_lost+found]]. """]]