[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2015-04-09T17:39:28Z" content=""" The symink that you're showing is a file checked into git. So, you should be able to run `git log 'Pictures/2014/06/21/2014-06-21 13.52.34.png'` on the remote and find a commit that somehow changed the symlink to the broken one that the remote has. The only other possibilities are * Somehow the data in git in the remote got corrupted, and git didn't notice. Seems very unlikely. * Somehow git decided to munge up the symlink when checking it out on the remote. While there are some git features like smudge filters that could perhaps be configured to do that, I don't see how git could do it on its own. I've never seen git do anything like this. You're going to have to investigate this on your own and/or provide enough information to reproduce the problem. """]]