[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2013-12-11T15:31:34Z" content=""" So, `git annex copy --to remote` currently does an active check that the remote has each file. This is a bit inneficient, and I have never been 100% sure that's the best thing, but from time to time I see a situation where trusting the location log when doing a `cp` would not be ideal. It would be easy to omit the output for files that the check finds on the remote, but I think it's good because it tells you git-annex is doing actual work. Otherwise, `git annex copy --to remote` might seem to take a long time for no reason. Anyway, you can disable the active check, with --fast. And I agree that in this case it would be better to not print anything. I looked at the code and it would be a little tricky to do it. There's a simple workaround: `git annex copy --to remote --not --in remote` """]]