[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmUJBh1lYmvfCCiGr3yrdx-QhuLCSRnU5c" nickname="Justin" subject="comment 3" date="2014-03-06T18:21:53Z" content=""" > How many files copied are we talking about before it begins to fail? Tens of thousands of files processed, but many of them were already on the other remote so didn't invoke cp (or anything else). ~3300 invocations of cp. I saved a log of ps aux, and, while the memory used by git annex remains relatively constant, I do observe /tons/ of zombie processes. 3300, actually. I didn't check all of them, but all of the zombie pids I checked appear to have corresponded to this command: /home/pi/git-annex.linux/shimmed/git/git --git-dir=/home/pi/hdd/annex/.git --work-tree=/home/pi/hdd/annex cat-file --batch Perhaps git annex is forgetting to reap this processes? """]]