[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-02-15T18:04:29Z" content=""" I am able to reproduce this, and it only happens when the remote being checked is a ssh remote, not a local directory. So, presumably something in the verification that the remote has the content is sometimes consuming the rest of stdin. The different numbers processed each time are probably due to buffering. If the command feeding the list of keys takes a while to print them all, and parts of its output are being thrown away, then that would explain the different numbers processed. Using ssh -n to run git-annex-shell checkpresentkey avoids the problem. This could also impact git-annex being used in some script, when the script is intended to consume stdin, but git-annex runs ssh, which consumes it instead. Other commands like `git annex drop` could be affected too in such situations. I've put in a comprehensive fix to all of git-annex's calls to ssh that don't provide some other stdin. """]]