[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2017-04-07T16:42:11Z" content=""" This bug report is, to the best of my knowledge, totally wrong. Yes, git-annex sync pushes the git-annex branch to all git remotes. This is intentional, and not a problem. That is just a git branch. It's helpful to push it to eg, github, if you want to be able to pull it from there into another clone. Pushing the git-annex branch to github does *not* make git-annex think that github is holding the contents of annexed files. In your "reproduction" section, I think you forgot to run `git annex sync` in Zeta, so its working tree had not been updated with the files synced to it from Alpha, which is why `git annex list` didn't show anything. Or somethig like that. You did not provide quite enough information to guess what you were doing. I'm going to close this. If you think it is still a problem, please provide either a detailed transcript demontrating the problem or enough information to reporoduce the problem, starting with an empty directory and constructing the necessary git repositories to demonstrate the problem. """]]