[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://svario.it/gioele" nickname="Gioele" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/af2f2ba0dafe4650011d20f2168d43cff773aba97f55ae5b252bb873f391c1e2" subject="compiled with GHC 8, but LOCPATH is still set" date="2016-12-21T21:51:09Z" content=""" This bug does not want to die. The current standalone build (`6.20161211-gc3ab3c668`) has been compiled with GHC 8 but when I launch `runshell`, I still see that `LOCPATH` is set and the character encoding is messed up. I deduced the version of GHC used to compile git-annex with `strings ./shimmed/git-annex/git-annex | grep 'GHC [0-9]'`. """]]