### Please describe the problem. git annex specifies its own socket path via -S. To overload with our socket path (to be reused by annex and other ssh invocations) we need to provide the path via annex-ssh-options option. And we cannot pass it as an overload -o ControlPath since -S specification provided by annex "overrides" it. The difficulty comes in possibly not quite common but still possible case when path to the socket contains a space. I have tried all kinds of possible specifications but failed to find one which works... Could you give me a hint!? ;) ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? 6.20170307+gitg24ade8a25-1~ndall+1 ### Please provide any additional information below. [[!format sh """ # so -- ssh works $> ssh -O check -oControlMaster=auto -S"/tmp/te st/socket" 'yohtest@smaug' Master running (pid=20336) # but can't get annex to use it: $> git annex init -c 'remote.origin.annex-ssh-options=-oControlMaster=auto -S"/tmp/te st/socket"' init ssh: Could not resolve hostname st/socket": Name or service not known yohtest@smaug's password: $> git annex init -c 'remote.origin.annex-ssh-options=-oControlMaster=auto "-S\"/tmp/te st/socket\""' init ssh: Could not resolve hostname "-s\\"/tmp/te: Name or service not known yohtest@smaug's password: # etc """]] [[!meta author=yoh]]