[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 2" date="2013-07-07T17:43:49Z" content=""" You generally cannot use a git-annex repository that is in direct mode as a remote over http. A remote git-annex does not have sufficient information to safely use a direct mode repository in that way. I don't think I can fix that. The http transport will work with indirect mode repositories (not supported on Windows), and with bare repositories (should work ok on Windows). I'm perplexed by what you show happening in the comment. It appears that the content of the files has been staged into the git repository as the symlink target on Windows. I have never seen that happen, cannot imagine how git-annex could do that. My best guess is you might have run `git commit -a` after `git annex add`, and on Windows, since it doesn't really have symlinks, that could leave the symlink bit set while staging the full content of the file. You should never run `git commit -a` in a direct mode repository (Windows always uses direct mode). See [[/direct_mode]] for caveats about git commands that are unsafe to run in direct mode. """]]