[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnSenxKyE_2Z6Wb-EBMO8FciyRywjx1ZiQ" nickname="Walter" subject=":'( no format directive in comments?" date="2013-04-23T23:13:02Z" content=""" That's right; `git config remote.bitbucket.annex-ignore true` does fix the problem. So, I guess if you're looking for more things to do, there is somehow a problem detecting that git-annex-shell isn't present sometimes. ~/annex$ git config remote.bitbucket.annex-ignore ~/annex$ git annex sync conq: invalid command syntax. commit ok pull bitbucket ok push bitbucket Everything up-to-date ok ~/annex$ git annex sync conq: invalid command syntax. commit ok pull bitbucket ok push bitbucket Everything up-to-date ok ~/annex$ git annex sync conq: invalid command syntax. commit ok pull bitbucket ok push bitbucket Everything up-to-date ok ~/annex$ git config remote.bitbucket.annex-ignore true ~/annex$ git annex sync commit ok pull bitbucket ok push bitbucket Everything up-to-date ok """]]