[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-06-06T16:21:53Z" content=""" One of the remotes of your repository is on a host where git-annex-shell is either not installed, or perhaps it is installed but `ssh thehost git-annex-shell` does not work -- eg due to the problem decribed in [[tips/get_git-annex-shell_into_PATH]]. There was indeed a change in 6.20170519 that explains why this only happens in -J mode. [[!commit 6992fe133b37ec6d64498f3dd2c69613c4c37469]] made it run git-annex-shell at startup in that mode. Hmm, I suppose one of your remotes could intentionally not have git-annex-shell on it, and yet you'd still want `git annex sync` to work to it, and so this message about git-annex-shell being displayed is not ideal. So, I've made it skip trying to run git-annex-shell in this case unless the remote has an annex-uuid set. If the remote has never had git-annex-shell installed, it can't have an annex-uuid set. And, when it does fail to run git-annex-shell, I've made it say which remote it was unable to run it on. """]]