### Please describe the problem. autoenable for special remotes seems has stopped working (didn't check with prev versions though, so it might be just something changed in how repository is setup or smth else) ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? 6.20160902+gitgbc49d8a-1~ndall+1 ### Please provide any additional information below. as you can see below autoenable=true is set for that remote, and it enables manually just fine [[!format sh """ (venv-tests) % rm -rf fbirn_phaseIII; git clone http://datasets.datalad.org/nidm/fbirn_phaseIII/.git Cloning into 'fbirn_phaseIII'... Checking connectivity... done. (venv-tests) % cd fbirn_phaseIII (venv-tests) % git annex info (merging origin/git-annex into git-annex...) (recording state in git...) repository mode: indirect trusted repositories: 0 semitrusted repositories: 6 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 -- web 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 -- bittorrent 225f46f1-c353-48ce-89da-ccc94dc59d01 -- yoh@falkor:/srv/datasets.datalad.org/www/nidm/fbirn_phaseIII [origin] 72ce8ab3-19bd-4cef-95b0-5b150c53edc1 -- datalad-archives d3ceb488-0266-4464-985d-4d4a265e4144 -- yoh@smaug:/mnt/datasets/datalad/crawl/nidm/fbirn_phaseIII f779a37c-96a5-43b5-822b-0010651dc7b1 -- yoh@hopa:/tmp/autoenable/fbirn_phaseIII [here] untrusted repositories: 0 transfers in progress: none available local disk space: 1.2 gigabytes (+1 megabyte reserved) local annex keys: 0 local annex size: 0 bytes annexed files in working tree: 7521 size of annexed files in working tree: 2.76 gigabytes bloom filter size: 32 mebibytes (0% full) backend usage: MD5E: 7521 (venv-tests) % echo 'git-annex:remote.log' | git cat-file --batch 951989a46d53a17d9a2621f6af82def73c2dc96e blob 328 72ce8ab3-19bd-4cef-95b0-5b150c53edc1 autoenable=true encryption=none externaltype=datalad-archives name=datalad-archives type=external timestamp=1473266618.950662s 72ce8ab3-19bd-4cef-95b0-5b150c53edc1 autoenable=true encryption=none externaltype=datalad-archives name=datalad-archives type=external timestamp=1473444735.988475s (venv-tests) % git annex enableremote datalad-archives enableremote datalad-archives ok (recording state in git...) (venv-tests) % git annex info repository mode: indirect trusted repositories: 0 semitrusted repositories: 6 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 -- web 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 -- bittorrent 225f46f1-c353-48ce-89da-ccc94dc59d01 -- yoh@falkor:/srv/datasets.datalad.org/www/nidm/fbirn_phaseIII [origin] 72ce8ab3-19bd-4cef-95b0-5b150c53edc1 -- [datalad-archives] d3ceb488-0266-4464-985d-4d4a265e4144 -- yoh@smaug:/mnt/datasets/datalad/crawl/nidm/fbirn_phaseIII f779a37c-96a5-43b5-822b-0010651dc7b1 -- yoh@hopa:/tmp/autoenable/fbirn_phaseIII [here] untrusted repositories: 0 transfers in progress: none available local disk space: 1.2 gigabytes (+1 megabyte reserved) local annex keys: 0 local annex size: 0 bytes annexed files in working tree: 7521 size of annexed files in working tree: 2.76 gigabytes bloom filter size: 32 mebibytes (0% full) backend usage: MD5E: 7521 """]] I am a little confused though since we do test for this scenario in datalad and test still passes, i.e. remote gets enabled... [[!meta author=yoh]] [[!meta title="autoenable not done for implicit init"]]