[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawliqfHEW134uawIUPwyKiyOdoF-oI5TxnQ" nickname="Ethan" subject="Doh. /usr/bin/ssh-askpass needs to be on *local* machine." date="2013-08-15T20:13:31Z" content=""" My mistake; the problem was the I was missing /usr/bin/ssh-askpass on my local machine, not the rsync.net host. I still think this is a bug. I'm on a debian machine and installed git-annex from its debian package, so seems like the ssh-askpass package should be listed as a dependency. But that's a debian packaging problem, not a git-annex bug per se, so I'll go file it elsewhere. """]]