[[!comment format=mdwn username="spwhitton" ip="" subject="comment 4" date="2012-12-02T18:27:09Z" content=""" The rsync remote is in the archive group but it has the preferred content string `exclude=video/* and exclude=ttmik/*`. So it ought to be dropping the files, but not over and over again. Here is the log file, showing me hitting Escape on the pinentry dialog: (scanning...) Already up-to-date. Already up-to-date. Already up-to-date. drop ma ttmik/TTMIK-Lesson-L1L1.mp3 (gpg) gpg: cancelled by user gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available TransferScanner crashed: user error (gpg [\"--batch\",\"--no-tty\",\"--use-agent\",\"-- quiet\",\"--trust-model\",\"always\",\"--decrypt\"] exited 2) (started...) """]]