[[!comment format=mdwn username="spwhitton" ip="" subject="comment 2" date="2012-12-01T18:34:10Z" content=""" Thanks for the log advice. I looked and it wants to drop a file `ttmik/TTMIK-Lesson-L1L1.mp3` from the encrypted rsync remote ma. So I did `git annex whereis ttmik/TTMIK-Lesson-L1L1.mp3` and learnt that the file is not on ma. I tried `git annex drop --from ma ttmik` to be sure, and the command was successful, but it still tries to drop the file from ma on startup. Presumably it would try all the other files in the ttmik directory if I gave it the chance to try to drop this first one. The only thing special about the ttmik directory is that every file in there was added using addurl, so I guess the problem has something to do with that. """]]