[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://id.koumbit.net/anarcat" ip="2001:1928:1:9::1" subject="comment 6" date="2014-01-02T23:30:38Z" content=""" bad news: i can reproduce this with the backport: Version: 4.20131106~bpo70+1 Build flags: Assistant Webapp Pairing Testsuite S3 Inotify DBus Feeds Quvi TDFA oddly enough, one of the repository saw some files be committed by the assistant during the startup scan that were not found by the 5.x version I was running earlier. but processor usage is still maxed out. i would be happy to provide you a shell here if you send me a OpenPGP-signed SSH public-key (or if you use monkeysphere). """]]