[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://id.koumbit.net/anarcat" ip="2001:1928:1:9::1" subject="comment 5" date="2014-01-02T22:21:34Z" content=""" I rebuilt using the current git head, i was expecting 20131230 but I got 5.20140102-gd93f946. The problem is still there: [[!format txt \"\"\" anarcat@marcos:mp3$ top -b -n 1 | head top - 17:18:23 up 2 days, 4:24, 9 users, load average: 4,01, 3,91, 3,80 Tasks: 295 total, 1 running, 294 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie %Cpu(s): 44,0 us, 4,9 sy, 0,6 ni, 49,7 id, 0,6 wa, 0,0 hi, 0,3 si, 0,0 st KiB Mem: 8162960 total, 6778608 used, 1384352 free, 397144 buffers KiB Swap: 4022268 total, 45752 used, 3976516 free, 2750720 cached PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 28910 anarcat 20 0 158m 37m 21m S 90,2 0,5 42:49.44 git-annex 29550 anarcat 20 0 173m 44m 21m S 72,2 0,6 36:49.59 git-annex 29673 anarcat 20 0 304m 175m 21m S 12,0 2,2 34:09.70 git-annex \"\"\"]] This doesn't seem to be proportional to the repository size or anything. pid 28910 is /srv/books, a moderately small repository. 29550 is my video repository and 29673 is my music. I suspect this is because I build git-annex myself. I am guessing that the ghc version I am using doesn't build with the proper thread patches and so on. I will try the backport to see if it fixes the issue. """]]