[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawntVnR-Z5ghYInvsElbDeADPSuCsF18iTY" nickname="Thomas" subject="XMPP something to do with it?" date="2014-03-02T13:48:22Z" content=""" High (between 30 and 100%) processor load in my case seems to be related to lots of these logfile entries: [2014-03-02 14:36:54 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 75 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:54 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:54 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 76 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:54 CET] XMPPClient: received: [\"Ignorable Presence from s6/941d024438f7cd11 Just (Element {elementName = Name {nameLocalName = \\"git-annex\\", nameNamespace = Just \\"git-annex\\", namePrefix = Nothing}, elementAttributes = [], elementNodes = []})\"] [2014-03-02 14:36:54 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:54 CET] XMPPClient: received: [\"Pushing \\"s34\\" (CanPush (UUID \\"005cc6c3-a4de-44d5-847e-58b5bc4e4c26\\") [Ref \\"d39375b2da76a05c13a8fdc2197a58af0a9812fc\\",Ref \\"5c0108dcad557ab48bfe335e533f13f29777ca7b\\"])\"] [2014-03-02 14:36:54 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 77 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:54 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:54 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 78 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:54 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:55 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 79 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:55 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:55 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 80 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:55 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:55 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 81 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:55 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:55 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 82 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:55 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:56 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 83 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:56 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:56 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 84 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:56 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:56 CET] XMPPClient: received: [\"Presence from s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 Just (Element {elementName = Name {nameLocalName = \\"git-annex\\", nameNamespace = Just \\"git-annex\\", namePrefix = Nothing}, elementAttributes = [(Name {nameLocalName = \\"query\\", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing},[ContentText \\"\\"])], elementNodes = []})\",\"QueryPresence\"] [2014-03-02 14:36:56 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 85 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:56 CET] XMPPClient: received: [\"Pushing \\"s34\\" (CanPush (UUID \\"005cc6c3-a4de-44d5-847e-58b5bc4e4c26\\") [Ref \\"d39375b2da76a05c13a8fdc2197a58af0a9812fc\\",Ref \\"f43c777aed404e1e98dcbf9b6499f4d056b6662a\\"])\"] [2014-03-02 14:36:56 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:56 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 86 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:56 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:57 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 87 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:57 CET] XMPPClient: received: [\"Ignorable Presence from s6/941d024438f7cd11 Just (Element {elementName = Name {nameLocalName = \\"git-annex\\", nameNamespace = Just \\"git-annex\\", namePrefix = Nothing}, elementAttributes = [], elementNodes = []})\"] [2014-03-02 14:36:57 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:57 CET] XMPPClient: received: [\"Pushing \\"s34\\" (CanPush (UUID \\"005cc6c3-a4de-44d5-847e-58b5bc4e4c26\\") [Ref \\"d39375b2da76a05c13a8fdc2197a58af0a9812fc\\",Ref \\"f43c777aed404e1e98dcbf9b6499f4d056b6662a\\"])\"] [2014-03-02 14:36:57 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 88 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:57 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:57 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 89 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:57 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 [2014-03-02 14:36:57 CET] XMPPClient: sending: Pushing \"s34\" (SendPackOutput 90 \"\") [2014-03-02 14:36:57 CET] XMPPClient: to client: s6/a303a6cfb26b8e08 This is after everything is uploaded to a ssh server (in the cloud, used for transfer) and while another computer is downloading from there (?). git-annex version: 5.20140227 build flags: Assistant Webapp Pairing Testsuite S3 WebDAV Inotify DBus XMPP DNS Feeds Quvi TDFA CryptoHash key/value backends: SHA256E SHA1E SHA512E SHA224E SHA384E SKEIN256E SKEIN512E SHA256 SHA1 SHA512 SHA224 SHA384 SKEIN256 SKEIN512 WORM URL remote types: git gcrypt S3 bup directory rsync web webdav tahoe glacier hook external Debian testing using jabber.org for xmpp """]]