[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" nickname="joey" subject="comment 5" date="2013-04-08T21:16:33Z" content=""" \"I would imagine\" is not a useful debugging method. I asked you to run `git annex add` so that if it succeeds, I have a verified data point that reduces the problem space to only code inside the assistant, and if it fails, I have an easy way to reproduce the problem to debug further. At the moment, I have neither. :P `.gitignore` is really, truely, not supported by the assistant. I just ran your test case, and it added `file.test` as soon as I created it. Also, I never wrote support for `.gitignore`; I know right where that support should go, and I have a dozen people who have complained it is not supported. """]]