[[!comment format=mdwn username="Xyem" ip="" subject="comment 4" date="2013-04-08T18:25:48Z" content=""" Interesting that you say .gitignore doesn't work with assistant because.. it definitely does. $ git init /tmp/annex-test $ cd /tmp/annex-test $ git annex init $ echo \"file.test\" > .gitignore $ git annex assistant $ echo \"test1\" > file.test $ echo \"test2\" > file2.test yields this log file: (scanning...) [2013-04-08 19:17:03 BST] Watcher: Performing startup scan (started...) [2013-04-08 19:17:10 BST] Committer: Adding file2.test add file2.test (checksum...) [2013-04-08 19:17:10 BST] Committer: Committing changes to git (Recording state in git...) (Recording state in git...) [2013-04-08 19:17:11 BST] Committer: Committing changes to git git annex find: file2.test On the previous files, the log shows all failed files being added to the annex find after the assistant was restarted (daemon.log.1) so I would imagine 'git annex add' would have worked fine too. Right now, I'm just running while true; do git annex add; sleep 1; done in the annex directory, which gives me (expensive) watch-like behaviour, with fairly clear output for me to confirm everything has been added. """]]