[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-02-07T19:13:28Z" content=""" Thing is, pushUrl is documented in git-push as "The is used for pushes only.". And while git-annex is sending data to the remote, that's not really the same as a push. Following that logic, if git has a pullUrl, then git-annex should use that for `git annex get`, since that's similar to a pull. But then there are other operations git-annex does to remotes that are similar to neither a push or a pull. And if git doesn't have a pullUrl, then `git annex get` probably shouldn't use pushUrl, because perhaps git will later get a pullUrl. That's why annexUrl was added in 2011. Which is just used for all annex operations. So, I suggest you just set annexUrl at the same time you set pushUrl, and be happy. ;) """]]