[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-04-07T20:16:45Z" content=""" There's nothing special about using the absolute path; "git commit ." or "git commit thefile" will behave the same. This is the git false index problem. Since git commit in these situations runs the pre-commit hook with a false index file, changes made to that index file won't be visible after the commit. So, if `git annex pre-commit` fixes symlinks in this situation, the right thing will be committed, but then the old index will have the old symlinks staged, which will result in `git status` after the commit showing modification to the files you just staged and committed! Short of having a post-commit hook come along and fix up the index to match what was committed, I don't see anything git-annex can do better. Well, it could prevent such commits even being made, I suppose, or warn. It's a pity git uses this false index file in this situation. """]]