[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-05-10T16:30:04Z" content=""" annex.gnupg-options is only used when encrypting content, not when decrypting. And it has to decrypt the shared encryption key first, so that's why the error shows it was running gpg with --decrypt. Probable, even if you were able to make it always run gpg with --no-tty, it wouldn't help, because gpg needs to prompt for a passphrase. There should be a way to get gnupg to use gpg-agent, which would let it prompt for your password with a dialog box, rather than trying to prompt on the terminal. That would work better with the webapp. I do think there ought to be a config setting that allows passing options to gpg when it's decrypting things, and so I'll add something. """]]