### Please describe the problem. When assistant sync with some remote, it will call git that will call ssh without annex-sync ### What steps will reproduce the problem? I've remote that have: [remote "shukrat"] [...] annex-ignore = true annex-ssh-options = -i /home/moi/.ssh/git-annex/some-key When I run `git annex sync shukrat` in the repository, it will sync it using the key, but when I ask the assistant to sync it, it will use some otherkey and so it will ask for my passphrase. ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? % git annex version git-annex version: 5.20150916-1 build flags: Assistant Webapp Webapp-secure Pairing Testsuite S3 WebDAV Inotify DBus DesktopNotify XMPP DNS Feeds Quvi TDFA Database key/value backends: SHA256E SHA256 SHA512E SHA512 SHA224E SHA224 SHA384E SHA384 SHA3_256E SHA3_256 SHA3_512E SHA3_512 SHA3_224E SHA3_224 SHA3_384E SHA3_384 SKEIN256E SKEIN256 SKEIN512E SKEIN512 SHA1E SHA1 MD5E MD5 WORM URL remote types: git gcrypt S3 bup directory rsync web bittorrent webdav tahoe glacier ddar hook external local repository version: 5 supported repository version: 5 upgrade supported from repository versions: 0 1 2 4 on debian/sid ### Please provide any additional information below. when the assistant is syncing, I've: $ pstree -p | grep ssh-ask |-git(27589)---ssh(27590)---ssh-askpass(27617) $ ps -f -p 275900 UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD moi 27590 27589 0 14:10 ? 00:00:00 ssh user-data@shukrat git-receive-pack '/home/user-data/git-repos/Images.git/ log from .git/annex/daemon.log: [2015-09-27 14:09:55.844597] main: Syncing with shukrat Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(). Pass a valid window to KWallet::Wallet::openWallet(). Everything up-to-date