[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 1" date="2012-12-13T17:03:08Z" content=""" Due to the way git-annex runs rsync, which involves a specific -e parameter it constructs that, you cannot pass -e in annex-rsync-options anyway; or if you do you'll bypass use of git-annex-shell, which is not desirable. I have not checked which, but would not recommend use of it. There is no need for ugly workarounds. Just use ~/.ssh/config to configure the hostname to use the nonstandard port it needs. For example:
Host example.com
Port 2234
Or, to make a separate example.com-2234 host that can be used to use the nonstandard port:
Host example.com-2234
Hostname example.com
Port 2234