[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-12-08T18:58:18Z" content=""" This is due to lookupkey not passing the filename through git ls-files like most (all?) other commands do. Using git ls-files would lead to other behavior changes though. It recurses into directories. I don't think it makes sense for lookupkey to recurse into directories, because its output format does not include the filename, so listing a bunch of keys for annexed files is not clear. git annex find can already recurse and can use a format with the key and the filename that's suited for directory recursion. git annex lookupkey, as plumbing, is supposed to be simpler than that. I suppose lookupkey could normalize absolute file paths, checking if they point into the git repository. I don't think that git-annex contains such normalization code, and it might be a lot more complicated than it at first seems -- git has a lot of wrinkles with submodules, symlinks, etc etc. git does not seem to have a suitable command to do it. So seems the best way is to use git ls-files and detect when it's recursing, and exit nonzero then. """]]