[[!comment format=mdwn username="emanuele.olivetti@47d88ed185b03191e25329caa6fabc2efb3118b2" nickname="emanuele.olivetti" subject="comment 3" date="2016-02-15T09:47:24Z" content=""" Yes, the content is locally present. In the sense that each symlink in the current directory points to an actual file in .git/annex/objects/ . That is why, in my opinion, fsck incorrectly thinks the content is not present, despite it being present. Initially I thought that a possible explanation was that 'git commit' went wrong, so that I would have to do it again. I tried to git commit again, but git says there is nothing to commit. My repository is in indirect mode. All files in the repository, including the troubling ones are in .git/annex/objects. """]]