###What steps will reproduce the problem? $ git annex addurl 'file:///$HOME/space file' --fast addurl _$HOME_space%20file unable to access url: file:///$HOME/space file failed git-annex: addurl: 1 failed $ git annex addurl 'file:///home/arand/space\ file' --fast addurl _home_arand_space%5C%20file unable to access url: file:///home/arand/space\ file failed git-annex: addurl: 1 failed ###What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I guess it's semi-expected to fail since spaces aren't supposed to be in urls, but with file:// it would be nice if that restriction was lessened. ###What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? Debian sid/experimental git-annex version: 4.20130227 local repository version: 4 default repository version: 3 supported repository versions: 3 4 upgrade supported from repository versions: 0 1 2