[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://me.yahoo.com/a/EbvxpTI_xP9Aod7Mg4cwGhgjrCrdM5s-#7c0f4" subject="actually has smth to do with remotes " date="2016-01-19T19:53:25Z" content=""" since if I don't initremote -- adds to git. If I initremote -- adds to annex: [[!format sh \"\"\" $ chmod a+w -R /tmp/123; rm -rf /tmp/123; mkdir /tmp/123; cd /tmp/123; git init; git annex init; Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/123/.git/ init ok (recording state in git...) $ echo \"http://www.onerussian.com/tmp/README2.rst README2.rst\" | git annex addurl -c annex.largefiles=exclude=*.rst --with-files --json --batch {\"command\":\"addurl\",\"file\":\"README2.rst\",\"note\":\"downloading http://www.onerussian.com/tmp/README2.rst ...\",\"note\":\"non-large file; adding content to git repository\",\"success\":true} $ chmod a+w -R /tmp/123; rm -rf /tmp/123; mkdir /tmp/123; cd /tmp/123; git init; git annex init; Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/123/.git/ init ok (recording state in git...) $ git annex initremote datalad-archives externaltype=dl+archive type=external autoenable=true encryption=none initremote datalad-archives ok (recording state in git...) $ echo \"http://www.onerussian.com/tmp/README2.rst README2.rst\" | git annex addurl -c annex.largefiles=exclude=*.rst --with-files --json --batch {\"command\":\"addurl\",\"file\":\"README2.rst\",\"note\":\"downloading http://www.onerussian.com/tmp/README2.rst ...\",\"success\":true} $ ls -l README2.rst lrwxrwxrwx 1 yoh yoh 188 Jan 19 14:51 README2.rst -> .git/annex/objects/9p/28/SHA256E-s13--1c87b6727f523662df714f06a94ea27fa4d9050c38f4f7712bd4663ffbfdfa01.rst/SHA256E-s13--1c87b6727f523662df714f06a94ea27fa4d9050c38f4f7712bd4663ffbfdfa01.rst \"\"\"]] """]]