[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://sunny256.sunbase.org/" nickname="sunny256" subject="comment 1" date="2013-07-08T19:56:58Z" content=""" Aha, in other words, some kind of PEBCAC put in a polite way. :) I thought this should be correct, as the man page says > For example, --pathdepth=1 will use \"dir/subdir/bigfile\", while --pathdepth=3 will use \"bigfile\". This is how I thought it worked: * 0 = hostname, path, filename * 1 = path, filename * 2 = filename After reading your answer I first thought it was a typo in the documentation, but of course the number specify the level of subdirectories to use in the file name. D'oh! Thanks for the fix and information. """]]