[[!comment format=mdwn username="arand" ip="" subject="comment 3" date="2013-08-10T17:00:21Z" content=""" So, if I've understood it correctly (please correct me if that's not the case :) ) Currently git-annex unused goes through this process * Look through all files in the index and find those which are git-annex keys (git ls-tree + git cat-file) * Look through all files the current ref and find those which are git-annex keys (git ls-tree + git cat-file) * For each ref in the repo - Look through all files and find those which are git-annex keys (git ls-tree + git cat-file) * Then at the end - Compare this list of keys with what is stored in .git/annex/objects - Print out any objects which does not match a key. If that's the case, it means if that if you have multiple refs, even is they only differ by single empty commits, git-annex will end up doing a cat-file for the same file multiple times (one per ref), which is expensive. Would it be possible to change the algorithm for git-annex unused into instead something like: * For the index, HEAD, and all refs - Create a list all files and remove those which are duplicates based on their sha1 hash (git ls-tree | uniq) * Then Look through this reduced list to find those which are git-annex keys (git cat-file) * Then check as before Unless this bypasses some safety or case I've overlooked, I think it should be possible to speed up git-annex unused quite a bit. """]]