[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 8""" date="2017-04-05T15:26:59Z" content=""" git-annex does use CoW in a few situations; it does so by running `cp --reflink` and letting it use CoW features when available. However, I don't see where `git annex add` would use that, and of course I don't see why that feature would break for you even if it did run cp that way. git also uses CoW, at least it uses `mmap` with `MAP_PRIVATE`. I'm not clear if/how that involves the filesystem layer. This remains puzzling, but knowing it's limited to btrfs on Arch Linux with CoW is certianly a good start. It seems like a bug in btrfs would not be out of the question. Trying some different kernel versions might be useful. It would perhaps be useful to get `strace -ff` logs. """]]