[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 4""" date="2017-10-16T16:58:46Z" content=""" I was worried there could be further races in the seeking done by withFilesOldUnlocked and withFilesMaybeModified if those run while files are still being ingested by actions run earlier in the `git annex add`. Seems this is not a problem though -- withFilesOldUnlocked looks for typeChanged files, but the files that were just/are currently being added were not in git before, so are not typeChanged. withFilesMaybeModified looks for modified files, and again these files were/are just being added for the first time, so it won't stumble over them. So, I don't think a synchronization point is needed. In fact, all three seeks could actually be run more concurrently than they are not without stepping on one-another's toes. """]]