[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2017-10-16T16:25:39Z" content=""" It would be good to avoid the window where the file is not present in the working tree during ingestion, because interupting `git annex add` during that window causes the file to go missing, with no record of it yet in git. I tried making the window longer by adding a 10 second sleep, and indeed interrupting `git annex add` during the window is *bad*. Looking at the code, `makeLink` uses `replaceFile` to atomicallty replace the file with the symlink. But `ingestAdd` for some reason calls `nukeFile` before `makeLink`. I could not find any good reason for it to do that. So, I've removed the `nukeFile`, closing the window. That change also fixed the "file not found" error. But I'm not sure if it's entirely dealt with the problems raised by this bug report.. """]]