[[!comment format=mdwn username="ano.nymous@12ebd53e5933cd1730c84027a7cb905e7c3fdd9c" nickname="ano.nymous" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/f75c9e80591de02a07a1156d45cacdda" subject="Workaround for switching repos from WebApp" date="2017-06-07T19:18:51Z" content=""" With version 6.20170104 the following workaround seems to work: - Start the webapp - Click on the menu and select \"Switch Repository\" (as ususal) - Click on the link of the repo you wish to switch to (as usual); at this point, the WebApp freezes and the repo is not changed. - Keep cool :-) Select the Git Annex terminal session from the slide-down menu. - In the Git Annex terminal create a new window by clicking the (+) icon. This will open a new WebApp Dashboard with the newly selected repository. - Enjoy :-) """]]