[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-09-05T17:19:43Z" content=""" That warning message indicates that the `sha256sum` command is exiting nonzero. git-annex handles that failure by using its internal SHA, which apparently succeeds, because the `fsck` output ends with "ok". Indeed, I don't see any indication that this is causing any problems, other than a warning message. The size variation is due to git-annex only using `sha256sum` for larger files, where it can be faster than the internal SHA. Android is supposed to have `sha256sum` and `sha1sum` available (but not some of the other sizes). They are included in the git-annex bundle, in eg /data/data/ga.androidterm/bin/ along with lots of other busybox utilities. So, the problem seems to be that either those commands are not in your android device somehow, or indeed a reversion in the git-annex Android build has lost them, or perhaps they're included but are always failing to work. """]]