### Please describe the problem. git annex fsck and git annex get are showing (false?) sha256sum failed messages on Android with the 2016-07-19 android 5.0 build. I haven't seen this before but have been using git-annex on Android, with the same repository for a year, so I'd guess regression. I ran fsck on the files on another machine (Watt: Debian testing, 6.20160511-1) and no errors occur. Note that isn't the machine that the Android tablet transfers from (Einstein: Debian stable + backports, 5.20151208-1~bpo8+1). The Android shell didn't have a sha256sum command, but it had an md5 command—and I tried one of the files (Management Report.pdf) and the md5 matches on both Watt and the Android tablet. I also ran git annex fsck on Einstein (the entire repository, since it's a bare repo) and the only problem it found was a single (different) key with an insufficient number of trusted copies. So I think the file is actually fine. ### What steps will reproduce the problem? Unsure. Dropping and re-getting those files didn't help; it showed a sha256 error with get too. The only difference I can think of between the files that fail and work is the size: [[!format text """ u0_a180@manta:/sdcard/Westerley-Board/Board Packets & Reports/2016-08-25 (Regular) $ ls -l -rw-rw---- root sdcard_r 116225 2016-08-24 05:40 Agenda 16-08-25.pdf -rw-rw---- root sdcard_r 10128521 2016-08-24 06:02 Management Report scan 2 (annotated; Anthony).pdf -rw-rw---- root sdcard_r 10128521 2016-08-24 06:02 Management Report scan 2.pdf -rw-rw---- root sdcard_r 53313352 2016-08-24 06:02 Management Report.pdf -rw-rw---- root sdcard_r 27154 2016-08-24 06:02 WHOA Chart of Accounts Spreadsheet.xlsx """]] ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? ### Please provide any additional information below. [[!format text """ u0_a180@manta:/sdcard/Westerley-Board/Board Packets & Reports/2016-08-25 (Regular) $ git annex fsck * WARNING: linker: git-annex has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix. fsck Agenda 16-08-25.pdf (checksum...) ok fsck Management Report scan 2 (annotated; Anthony).pdf (checksum...) sha256sum failed ok fsck Management Report scan 2.pdf (checksum...) sha256sum failed ok fsck Management Report.pdf (checksum...) sha256sum failed ok fsck WHOA Chart of Accounts Spreadsheet.xlsx (checksum...) ok (recording state in git...) __bionic_open_tzdata_path: ANDROID_ROOT not set! __bionic_open_tzdata_path: ANDROID_ROOT not set! __bionic_open_tzdata_path: ANDROID_ROOT not set! __bionic_open_tzdata_path: ANDROID_ROOT not set! __bionic_open_tzdata_path: ANDROID_ROOT not set! __bionic_open_tzdata_path: ANDROID_ROOT not set! u0_a180@manta:/sdcard/Westerley-Board/Board Packets & Reports/2016-08-25 (Regular) $ """]] ### Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders) Yes, I've been using git annex for I think a year and a half now, on several repositories. It works pretty well. I have a total of around 315GB and 23K annexed keys across them (counting each annex only once, even though they're cloned on a bunch of machines).