[[!comment format=mdwn username="zardoz" ip="" subject="comment 9" date="2014-09-07T14:04:51Z" content=""" Any ideas? I noticed one alternative way (cf. the reset workaround above) to make «git annex add» work again is by deleting .git/annex/index*. Is this safe? In both repos, I had not even staged annex additions before the index was corrupted; the corruption must somehow have been left-over from earlier actions, altough all previous additions succeeded at the time, before both repositories mysteriously stopped working (in the context of backend-migration). I still have the original snapshots around if you’d like to debug this. As noted, «git fsck» succeeds, and all the block-level checksums check out, so the problem can’t be on the block device or file-system level. """]]