[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-05-25T17:56:48Z" content=""" That looks like a git remote accessed perhaps by rsync, or perhaps locally? I'd be surprised if a rsync transfer did this, because AFAIK all progress updates come from rsync's own progress display, and that does not jump backward. Local file copies (when not using rsync), and some other types of remotes, poll the size of the temp file to determine how much data has been received, and so if the transfer doesn't resume, they will do this. **I've made it avoid reporting the file size until the file size has changed once, which avoids the problem in this case.** Another way it could happen is when a transfer fails partway and git-annex immediately retries and the retry fails to resume. In this case, the progress would go to some percent for the first transfer, and then could reset to a lower percent for the retry, and that reflects what's really happening. Eg, 50% of it transferred and now we've unfortunately started over at 0%. I could make the reported progress always be monotonically increasing, but then in that retry cases it would just seem to stall, perhaps for a long period of time. Not sure that's better than a progress display that while annoying, reflects what's really going on. """]]