[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 5" date="2014-06-11T23:02:28Z" content=""" I've developed a fix for the time library. This patch has been sent to the author, hopefully it will get applied and then I can use getCurrentTImeZone. Note that git-annex would need to unset TZ first, which might be hard on windows.
diff --git a/cbits/HsTime.c b/cbits/HsTime.c
index cfafb27..86ca92a 100644
--- a/cbits/HsTime.c
+++ b/cbits/HsTime.c
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ long int get_current_timezone_seconds (time_t t,int* pdst,char const* * pname)
     struct tm* ptm = localtime_r(&t,&tmd);
+    tzset();
     struct tm* ptm = localtime(&t);
     if (ptm)